Anxiety and Panic Attacks

You are not alone in your struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. Naveen Rehab can help you find relief and live a full and productive life.

Anxiety and Panic Attack Treatment @ Naveen

Naveen Rehab is a leading Anxiety Disorder Treatment Center in Coimbatore with experienced and professional anxiety and panic disorder therapists. Support is available through a 12-step anxiety treatment program in addition to a comprehensive panic disorder treatment plan. The treatment equips the patient to lead a normal life by escaping through the web of chaotic relationships and developing healthy interactions.

Anxiety is a normal emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However, for some people, anxiety can become a chronic condition that interferes with their daily life. If you are struggling with anxiety, there are treatments available that can help.

Panic attacks are sudden, intense episodes of fear that can cause physical symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating, and shortness of breath.

Genetics: Anxiety disorders can run in families, suggesting that there may be a genetic component.

Brain chemistry: People with anxiety disorders may have imbalances in certain brain chemicals, such as serotonin and norepinephrine.

Life experiences: Traumatic or stressful life events, such as childhood abuse, can increase the risk of developing anxiety disorders.

Personality: People with certain personality traits, such as shyness or perfectionism, may be more prone to anxiety disorders.

Medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as thyroid problems and heart disease, can also cause anxiety symptoms.

Substance abuse: Alcohol and drug abuse can trigger or worsen anxiety symptoms.

It is important to note that anxiety disorders can be caused by a combination of factors, and not everyone who experiences one or more of these risk factors will develop an anxiety disorder. If you are concerned that you may have an anxiety disorder, it is important to talk to a doctor or mental health professional.

Physical symptoms: These can include a racing heart, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, and muscle tension.

Mental symptoms: These can include worry, fear, nervousness, feeling on edge, difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping, and irritability.

Behavioral symptoms: These can include avoiding certain situations, having panic attacks, and engaging in safety behaviors (such as checking things repeatedly).