About Us



At Naveen Rehabilitation, we view mental wellness through the lens of holistic recovery. We focus on providing a wellness experience to every individual who has taken a step towards re-examining their inner self. When it comes to treatment, we sit with them and truly listen to them to understand their perspective and lend a deep sense of empathy, devoid of any judgment.

Comprehensive mental health care hospital
Psychiatric Treatment
Addiction treatment.

Founding Journey

Naveen Hospital was founded in 1991 by the Late Dr. R. Gopalakrishnan under the ALR Trust. The hospital aims to provide affordable and quality mental health care.

Our Mission

To provide the most compassionate and personalised form of help, support, and guidance to educate and treat everyone holistically to restore them to the best state of health possible.

Our Vision

To establish an excellent, reliable, and credible source of support in the mental health care space to equip everyone with ways to live their best life

Naveen’s Journey to Holistic Wellness


First hospital in Coimbatore city to specialise in Mental Health


11 bedded initial launch


25 bedded addition


Recognised center for nursing and psychology internships for students


Opening of Rehab center in Naveen Hospital to aid long-term patients


Opening of a standalone rehab center in thudiyalur


Opening of a standalone state-of-the-art rehab center in Sulur


Launched counselling center – Naveenam - Work with educational institutions for

conducting workshops on Psychological issues